Friday, March 14, 2008

Well, Well.
Today was a rather fun day. I went down to Newport Beach for an afternoon estate sale. It was hectic, and although I didnt find any vintage clothes- I found some super fun sunglasses, pins and pendants! (ive got pictures!) I will be adding stuff to my store tonight.. PROMISE! haha
While at the estate sale, some lady tried to make light conversation with me while waiting in line (which seemed to last forever)and she brought up how she too sold vintage clothing and accessories online! For some reason, I instantly felt threatened and exposed. It was weird. I felt as if I wanted to scream; "This is my territory!" and then sit for hours justifying it. It was really really weird and awkward. We obviously had very different senses of style but it still wasnt very comforting. It definitely made waiting in line--that much harder.
Post estate sale shopping, I hit a few thrift stores on the way home. Not too much luck there. I found a nice head scarf and belt for myself (woo! me!) but nothing to sell. Im going to dye my hair tonight! Im super excited! I have had this, what I like to call, Orange Sherbert chunk in my hair for too long. I bought black.. but it fades nicely to a deep dark brown! It'll be refreshing! This sunday I scheduled a photoshoot with lovely model miss mona! She is getting her hair cut (once again) tomorrow. Its going to be adorable, as always.
Ive still got loads of math homework to do before tuesday. Ive got to get it started!



(This is not everything I got--oh! &I accept DIBS!)

awesome glasses with low strength magnification

ADORABLE sparrow pin

Wicked Eye Pin

BOSS Vintage Shades


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