Monday, October 6, 2008

School usually will consume my life- especially right around this time. And all the while- even though my posts on this blog have become so scarce- I still write my thoughts. I find myself with so many ideas; things I'd love to see be created- but in reality I dont have the time. Starbucks, (my day job)I believe has caused so much stress lately (&breakdowns/depression) that I now have episodic TMJ. Its painful- but I made it through (thanks to the meds!) Im hoping to use some of my vacation hours soon- just for the hell of it. Because I really dont know how much more I can take before I snap. Its never a good feeling to know your approaching an edge of a cliff. But, its an even worse feeling to not do anything about it and let yourself crash. I think I'll get lost in some books, ideas, thoughts, and maybe emerge a few days later. I just wish there was somewhere I could go away from home- that would settle this undying need to be alone. Ive got so much bottled in- I can't wait to let it out.

I do apologise if this post feels too personal. I promise- Im normally a lot more light hearted. I just felt you all ought to know where Im coming from currently.


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